Cultivate Joy

I love this quote by Corrie Ten Boom. If you know her story you know her surroundings were treacherous. Life is hard and our surroundings are often difficult but we can still cultivate a joyful life. I read once that happiness is an emotion and temporary while joy is an attitude of the heart. If we choose to cultivate joy we choose to cultivate a lasting attitude deep within. This month creates a perfect opportunity for this. You are likely seeing your social media feeds full of #30DaysofThanks or #GratitudeProject posts. If only we all lived more than a season or two in gratitude; we could likely cultivate that deep joy that lasts.
I challenge you today to join in and end each day with a list of 3 things you are grateful for that day. They can be small, and may be very small if your surroundings seem treacherous, but even being grateful for the air you breath is a start.
#GratitudecultivatesJOY #Thanksgiving #JOY