This Weekend’s Self-Care
What did you do this weekend to take care of you? I often tell people that self-care is so much more than spa trips and “retail therapy”. It is a means of communicating “I love you and you are important” to yourself. I am going to make an effort to share my self-care methods with you each weekend to highlight what self-care looks like in real-life …and to keep myself accountable to routine self-care.
It quite possibly has never been more important to take good care of yourself and communicate love to yourself. 2020 has brought a level of stress and pressure that most have us have never experienced. Let’s not let 2020 get the best of us. By engaging in routine self-care you can fill your tank often so that you avoid getting to empty. If you are anything like me you have on occasion tested how far your car can actually go on E. Let’s not use that same approach with our mind, bodies, and souls. Don’t test how long you can run on E; fill your tank daily with a little self-care and each weekend with a bigger portion for a bit more cushion.
This weekend’s self-care for me included:
- Quality time with family-This for me is a must and includes good conversation and time spent doing nothing but being together.
- Light house cleaning- I can rest and relax so much better when I have freshly dusted tables, a clean kitchen sink, and vacuum lines on the carpet. In total this took me maybe 30 minutes. A little time and effort that allows a lot of time of comfort and relaxation.
- Fall candles- I love nothing more that fragrant candles, especially cozy and sweet fall scents.
- A soft and cozy blanket- Curling up on the couch for a good show is much better with a great blanket. I have one favorite blanket in rotation at all times. It is like wrapping yourself in a warm hug (cue Olaf voice) to have a great blanket at the ready.
- Soul Food- For me this is a good worship experience at my church filled with great worship music and a word from scripture.
- A good show- This weekend’s showing was of Elephant a Disney Nature production.
- A good book- I always have several books going at once. This weekend I took in: a little educational reading about EMDR, a little motivation reading from Michelle Obama’s autobiography, and a little entertainment with a new Jodi Picoult book.
- A relaxing bath with Dr. Teal’s epsom soak; my favorite is the Calm Your Mind Pure Epsom Salt Soak with Ashwagandha.
- The Masqueology Collagen Hydro Gel Gold Face Mask from the local Wal-Mart.
Notice that none of these took a lot of time or a lot of money. They are small tasks that together speak love and care to myself and fill my tank so that I am equipped for the upcoming week. What did you do take take care of yourself this weekend? If you did not spend time loving and caring for YOU then what can you do this week? Perhaps something on this list could fill your tank. Try it out and let us know how it goes.
Love YOU more today!